Gas protection verification
Gas protection verification
GQA engineers carry out all visual inspection and integrity testing work on-site to ensure compliance with best practice installation methods and the verification plan set for the site. This includes;
- Inspection of passive or active ventilation systems
- Thorough visual inspection of gas membrane installation
- Membrane and detailing joint testing by air lance to ASTM D4437
- Membrane joint testing by probe testing to ASTM D4437
- Leak detection integrity testing by dielectric porosity testing to ASTM D4787/NACE RP-188-99
- Management of CQA and lines of evidence
GQA will produce a verification file on completion of the gas protection measures proscribed for the site for submission to the local authority regulator, assigned assessor and/or warranty provider.
The verification file provided will satisfy CIRIA C735: 2014 and Section 8: BS8485: 2015 + A1: 2019 and include;
- Description of the protection measures required and installed on site
- Who and how these measures were installed
- Who and how the verification procedures took place
- Verification and integrity testing inspection reports with photographic lines of evidence
- How defects and corrective actions were dealt with
- Declaration on the suitability of the gas protection measures installed
GQA are the first company in Ireland that can provide declarations of conformance through the Gas Protection Verification Scheme managed by CL:AIRE. This provides extra confidence in the verification process as the procedures have been managed and carried out by a CL:AIRE Specialist accredited engineer.
Full details are available at